
The Clicko is designed work with a Bic Classic Full Size Lighter.

1. Pivot the lighter inside
the case by pushing it’s top.
Listen for a click.

This sets the gas lever.
Gas will be flowing
out of the lighter.

2. Hold lighter in this position
while rotating the flint wheel
to ignite the flame.

3. Push/pivot lighter back to
it’s original position,
Listen for a click.

This unsets the gas lever.
Gas will not be flowing
out of the lighter.

Because Clicko Case holds down the lever the lighter,
you want to make sure that you complete step 3, unsetting the gas lever.

Visually confirm that the flame is out and the lever is not set.
The flame may also be blown out before performing Step 3.

A flame is a fire hazard.
Read and Observe Bic Warning Label.
Keep lighter & Case away from children.
Be absolutely sure the flame is out after each use.