20 Clickos for Retail Sale – $4 each


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The Clicko Case solves the ergonomic and burn safety challenges presented by disposable lighters.

Ergonomic Advantage While Lighting
Lighting a lighter requires a tight fist and using the thumb which is an ergonomic problem. The Clicko Case allows the user to light the lighter in many different ways. For example, holding the case with one hand and rotating the spark wheel with any finger of the other hand.

Ergonomic Advantage While Using
Holding a lighter requires a tight fist while holding down the gas lever which is an ergonomic issue. The Clicko Case allows the user to hold the lighter GENTLY, as one might hold a match or other small object.

Burn Safety Advantage While Using
Using a lighter’s flame normally requires lighting something below the lighter which burns the hand. The Clicko Case allows the user hold the lighter a Safe Distance from the flame, as one might hold a match.


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